We've been studying about spiritual gifts. We started by taking a spiritual gifts test to find out what gifts we each have. I think most of us entered into this Bible study thinking that we were going to learn about the gifts that we have and how to use them. I for one have learned so much more. So much more that I can already tell what I originally intended to be one post will probably turn into a series.
The leader of our bible study researches, studies God's word, and prays about each gift individually. She never tells us which one will be coming up next. Each week we are surprised by the beauty, strength, and uniqueness that God has placed in each of us through these gifts.
I don't know about you, but before when I thought about spiritual gifts I thought that if I had a certain gift it would tell me that I was supposed to work in the nursery or on the greeting team or teach a class. Our gifts can give us insight into areas of ministry where we can serve God in our church and community, but I have learned that they can mean so much more.
First, the use of your spiritual gift must be Holy Spirit led. What that means to me is that truly the person doing the work is not me. It's the Holy Spirit. I am simply the vessel. A broken vessel though I am, the Holy Spirit can work through me. I want to share with you how I experience this.
When I sit down to write I begin by praying and asking God to fill me with His Holy Spirit. I ask Him to tell me me what He wants to say. When I am faithful to do that the words pour out. I have very little re-structuring or correcting of the writing that I have done.
There are times that I neglect to ask the Holy Spirit to work through me. I sometimes have an idea for this blog that I think is great, clever, and I really want to talk about it. Those posts have not been posted here because they are never successful. The writing is disjointed or confusing or it just falls flat. There may be a witty phrase or two. The subject may be good and worthy. God may have something to say about it, but if I didn't ask Him, then I don't hear what He has to say about it. If I don't invite Him to be a part of that project or to empower me with His spirit, then He doesn't empower my gift. I am then working under my own power. I may have the natural talent that God has given me, but without the power of His Holy Spirit I will not be successful in pointing to Him, articulating His purpose, or building His kingdom. My words are simply that, words without His deeper meaning.
Yep I was right, the Holy Spirit has so much more to say about our spiritual gifts. We've only touched on one bullet point in my notes about what God has shown me about the gifts He gives us, and we are only about half way through our bible study on spiritual gifts.
What are the spiritual gifts God has given you? Are you communicating with the Holy Spirit to use your gift for God's glory or are you relying on your own power to accomplish tasks.
Love in Christ,
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